Thailand has become one of the last strongholds for the Indochinese tiger (Panthera tigris corbetti) in Southeast Asia. The country’s Western Forest Complex (WEFCOM) supports the largest single population of tigers remaining for this subspecies and is of global conservation importance. This landscape overall has received considerable tiger conservation attention; however, WEFCOM’s Khao Laem National Park (KLNP) has largely been overlooked. Preliminary evidence confirms Khao Laem NP is important as a connecting wildlife corridor and supports a resident tiger population. Understanding Khao Laem’s current tiger population and degree of connectivity with other tiger populations within Western Thailand is an important step toward informing and facilitating landscape-scale recovery efforts for this species.
Current Projects
Khao Laem: Conservation in one of Thailand’s Frontier Tiger Park
This project aims to improve understanding of tigers within the park by expanding camera-trap based tiger surveys. Furthermore, the project will provide support for patrolling and patrol-based monitoring, bolstering patrol coverage, effectiveness and reporting.