Interim Report – Law enforcement 2015

By 7th June 2015February 8th, 2018Phoenix Fund (Dreamworld) Reports

Please note, we have edited this interim report to remove information we feel could jeopardise ongoing work in the region.

Russia is a success story in the history of wild tiger conservation. In 1947, with few Amur tigers left, Russia became the first country to ban the hunting of tigers. It succeeded in halting the long-lasting decline in numbers of tigers and stabilising the population. A survey in 2005 showed the population recovered to 430-500 individuals up from a mere 20-30 individuals in the 1940s. in 2008 Amur tiger numbers experienced another decline but according to officials, the current Amur tiger population is estimated to be at least 523.

Phoenix Fund has achieved considerable success in improving anti-poaching efforts in Amur tiger habitat through a comprehensive law enforcement monitoring program, developed around a Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART). Designed to monitor poaching activities and anti-poaching patrol response, the biggest advantage of the SMART database is that it provides a means of measuring, evaluating and comparing outputs both in terms of effort expended and results.

Effort led by Phoenix Fund, Wildlife Conservation Society and Zoological Society of London has been successful in improving the protection of tigers in four protected areas (Pas) for Amur tigers in Primorski Krai: Land of the Leopard National Park, United Directorate of Lazovksy Nature Reserve and Zov Tigra National Park, Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve and Ussuriisky Nature Reserve.

Law enforcement rangers form the first and last line of defence for wildlife within the protected area. WitSkin seizure © Phoenix Fundhout the right tools, training, equipment, management and support they cannot defend the natural heritage for future generations. Therefore our priority is the support for the rangers who risk their lives daily to meet this responsibility.

Thanks to the financial support from Dreamworld Wildlife Foundation rangers in the field have the most sophisticated tools they need to patrol wild places threatened by armed and well-funded hunters illegally killing off tiger prey in the protected territories. We provided our rangers with the smartest technology to effectively combat all kinds of poaching. Analysing the results of patrol work in the continuum we see a clear trend of declining violations on the territories where MIST and then SMART were implemented.