By 9th January 2019Uncategorised

WildCats Conservation Alliance is delighted to thank the awesome staff and visitors at Korkeasaari (Helsinki Zoo) for another phenomenal year of fundraising.  In 2018 €50,000 was raised through special events and fundraisers, but this amount is just the tip of the iceberg! 

In recent years, Finnish cat lovers have raised in excess of €300,000, every single cent of which has been diverted to in-situ conservation projects saving Amur leopards and tigers.  We are proud to work with wonderful zoological organisations that hold conservation central to their operations. 

We will shortly be announcing what projects we will be funding into 2019, but you can see exactly how we spend your donations by checking out these pages on our website of the flyer we designed for them below!

WildCats always need your support.  We promise that 100% of the donations we receive will go directly to the projects that will have the biggest conservation impacts; donate here.