Zoos are by far the largest donors to WildCats Conservation Alliance and have donated over £2.7 million to tiger and Amur leopard conservation since 1997 through its previous incarnations – 21st Century Tiger and ALTA.

By pooling donations zoos can make a bigger impact than by donating alone. The scientific rigour used in selecting proposals means that zoos can be assured of best practice and good conservation value.

 How we work

WildCats Conservation Alliance has a clear procedure for selecting projects using external international advisors. The projects supported not only reflect the breeding programmes held in European, Australasian and American zoos, but also aim to build capacity and protect wild populations where the contribution can build on landscape-level protection.  WildCats Conservation Alliance recognises that by aligning with and working alongside other conservation efforts can the maximum impact be felt.

The projects are expected to make a commitment through their proposals, to be scientifically valid,  have clear conservation outcomes, achievable goals and effective monitoring and evaluation.  All project reports are reviewed and held for public scrutiny on the WildCats Conservation Alliance website unless they hold sensitive data. In addition, all NGOs complete a simple Due Diligence form to report on Health & Safety, Risk Assessments, Financial Accountability and Management Structure.

The overall themes to our conservation effort are:

  • Antipoaching and protection
  • Monitoring and research
  • Wildlife health
  • Education and outreach
  • Capacity building
 Why Support WildCats Conservation Alliance?


  • Being part of a collective conservation effort
  • Safe and transparent route to conservation
  • Access to project reports
  • Image library for conservation and education
  • Posters and handouts
  • Fundraising recognition certificates
  • Help with facts and information for interpretation
  • A visit or presentation from WildCats Conservation Alliance* travel and accommodation costs apply

Rather than offering a tiered level of benefits, WildCats Conservation Alliance aims to recognise the value of all zoo contributions.

However certain benefits are available for the larger donors.

A pledge of three years donation at US$10,000+ each year

  • Direct access to the conservation project and the potential of one visit to the field site
  • Special annual recognition from WildCats Conservation Alliance
Certificates for zoos

WildCats Conservation Alliance has a range of supporter certificates to recognise the contributions that zoos make to conservation.

Certificates will be issued to all zoos that have raised over £500. The certificates, for display to the public, will show the amount achieved so far that year and total donations in pounds to date. They will also be available in currencies such as Euros, Australian Dollars and US Dollars if required.

The certificates will be issued in:

  • Bronze £500 – £999
  • Silver £1000 – £2499
  • Gold £2500 – £4999
  • Platinum £5000 and above