Final Report 2017 – Securing a Future for Amur leopards and tigers in Russia (V)

By 1st February 2018September 15th, 2022News, Phoenix Fund

Please note, we have edited this report to remove information we feel could jeopardise ongoing work in the region.

amur tiger and leopard

“Despite sustained conservation efforts over recent years and encouraging recent monitoring results, the big cats still remain at risk due to poaching, logging, forest fires, and prey depletion. Every year the wild populations of Amur tigers and Amur leopards officially lose up to ten individuals due to poaching and other reasons, including collisions with vehicles. According to official statistics published by government agencies and trusted sources, in 2017 the population of Amur tigers has reportedly lost 19 individuals. This figure includes the remains of 10 tigers that were confiscated from different criminals in forms of derivatives (bones, skulls, skins). A brief description of the cases can be found in the full report available for download below.


The confiscations in 2017 show that professional trading networks are active and that tigers and other wildlife are being poached to meet their demand. It makes clear that it remains essential to have good law enforcement at key-protected areas so that they can function as source sites for surrounding forest areas that are less well protected. In light of the continued poaching threats, it is crucial to continue our activities aimed at protecting Amur tigers and leopards, their prey and habitat, and raising environmental awareness of local communities.”