Taking tiger stories to the villages

By 12th July 2019Blog, Uncategorised

A joint team from the projects in Russia are taking tiger stories to the villages ahead of Global Tiger Day.

This short report from Sergei Bereznuk:

From July 21 through July 28 the Phoenix Fund together with the Widlife Conservation Society are going to travel to the remote villages of Primorye, namely Sobolinoye, Amgu, Maksimovka and Malaya Kema and organise Tiger Day Festivals for local people, ahead of Global Tiger Day.

These villages are located too far from cities and towns and their children very seldom travel to Ternei, the nearest town due to transportation problems. For example, only once per week people can go by plane or helicopter to Ternei or other cities.  There is poor internet connection and communication there. That is why a joint team of specialists from Phoenix, WCS and Uragus eco-center are heading off to these remote villages by four off-road vehicles with perfomances, games, quizzes, contests and other entertainments in order to inform local people about the Amur tiger, threats to its survival, conservation measures and ways how people can be involved in tiger conservation. We will share you with photos from this trip as soon as the team return in Vladivostok.