
WCS China monitoring populations report

By 11th May 2020May 19th, 2020News
WCS China monitoring

Caught on camera © WCS China

The latest report from WCS China monitoring populations of Amur leopards and tigers in northeast China during 2019,  demonstrates increases in the Amur leopard and tiger populations in and around Hunchun Nature Reserve.  With proximity to the Tiger and Leopard National Park (TLNP), the team also carried out a preliminary ecological corridor analysis designed to engage park management in discussions on future corridor planning within TLNP and to link the park to other habitat patches. 


WCS China monitoring Amur leopard and tigers: Project activities and key achievements:

  • 100 camera traps covering 450 km2
  • 17 individual tigers and 13 individual leopards detected by our monitoring in Hunchun Nature Reserve—up from a single tiger 20 years ago
  • Collaboration on corridor planning © WCS China

    Human activity accounted for 38% of photos, including major harvest of non-timber forest products (NTFP), foot traffic without clear purpose, a small amount of grazing, and a relatively large number of vehicles.

  • 13 days of snow tracking carried out. Travel routes of tigers and leopards identified in Dahuanggou for future camera trap work.
  • 6 people trained during 10 days of snow tracking
  • 1 workshop on corridor analysis