Agricultural encroachment

By 26th January 2021News

A recent article in the online environmental news site Mongabay, has highlighted that illegal agricultural encroachment in Kerinci Seblat National Park in Sumatra increased during 2020. 

According to the article by Rachel Fritz, “satellite data from the University of Maryland visualized on Global Forest Watch show several spikes in deforestation activity in the park in 2020. According to World Resources International, this clearing was likely done for smallholder agriculture.”

This 14000km2 Protected Area, patrolled by the KSNP TPCUs which receive funds from WildCats Conservation Alliance has seen a fall in snare placement in recent years and the patrols have been able to spend more time countering other illegal activities. As the article concludes, novel initiatives such as the ALCO coffee collective are being introduced in the area to provide buffer protection to the park. 

Smallholder agriculture cuts into key Sumatran tiger habitat