Compendium of tiger protected areas

Bengal tiger sitting in waterThe Global Tiger Forum (GTF) has released an updated compendium of Global Tiger Protected Areas in time for Global Tiger Day 2021.  The reference tool contains details of all 13 tiger range states and gives a broad snapshot of each country followed by basic highlights and ecological information of each of its protected areas. 

The GTF, based in India, is the inter-governmental international body that oversees the implementation of The Global Tiger Recovery Programme launched at the 2010 Global Tiger Summit in the last Year of the Tiger. This is the programme launched to carry out the aim of doubling wild tiger numbers by the next Year of the Tiger.

The next high-level Asia Ministerial Conference on Tiger Conservation in Malaysia in November 2021 will be the last one before the start of the next Global Year of the Tiger in February 2022.

Download it here: Compendium GTF July 28 2021 (pdf)