Abstract: Empty but suitable habitat exists for many of the world’s terrestrial large carnivores, yet reintroductions are often considered difficult. In the Russian Far East, orphaned Amur tiger (Panthera tigris...
Abstract: Southwest Primorye hosts approximately 9% of the remaining wild Amur tiger population and represents hope for the revival of tigers in Northeast China and the Korean peninsula. Decades ofconservation...
Abstract: Population density is a valuable metric used to manage wildlife populations. In the Russian Far East, managers use the FormozovMalyushev-Pereleshin (FMP) snow tracking method to estimate densities of ungulates...
Abstract: Inbreeding increases genome homozygosity within populations, which can exacerbate inbreeding depression by exposing homozygous deleterious alleles that are responsible for declines in fitness traits. In small populations, genetic purging...
Abstract: Following the local extermination of tigers from India's two premier reserves, village relocation as a policy to create more inviolate space for tiger breeding was conceived by the Indian...
Abstract: Conservation of threatened species is dependent on consistent population monitoring. We present the first status assessment of critically endangered Sumatran tigers (Panthera tigris sumatrae) and their prey in the...
Abstract: Managing protected areas (PAs) requires measurable indicators to assess effectiveness. The status of populations and guilds of multiple species are potential indicators that should be useful in biodiversity-rich tropical...
Abstract: Human fatalities and injury from wildlife attacks often result in a negative attitude toward conservation. This research was undertaken to investigate the patterns and conflict-causing factors of human killing...
Abstract: Examining the distribution patterns of sympatric large carnivores provides critical insights into the roles of prey availability and human disturbances in shaping the landscape use of these key predators....
Abstract: Human wildlife gap has shrunk due to urbanization and agricultural expansion. Domestic animals and wild mammals are pushed closer together, enabling disease transmission between the two groups. Recent discovery...
Abstract: The identification and implementation of conflict reduction measures are necessary to reduce predator attacks on people and livestock and to minimize human encroachment into predator habitats. We identified potential...
Abstract: A range of interventions have been established to manage international wildlife trade and protect traded species; however, there is little consensus as to whether, when, and how they are...
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