Stay wild and free

By 18th April 2018September 6th, 2018News

In May 2018, new Data Protection Laws come into play, so we need to get your permission to stay in contact with you by email.  If you are happy to continue to receive updates on wild tiger and Amur leopard conservation, please click here or on the image below.  You will be taken to an external site and asked to provide your contact details again.  


On behalf of WildCats Conservation Alliance, we would like to thank you for your continued support for wild tigers and Amur leopards. In the last year, your support has meant that we have been able to provide grants that led to the following outcomes:

  • Arrest & prosecute 12 tiger poachers and wildlife criminals in Sumatra
  • Support the rehabilitation and release of two Amur tigers in Russia
  • Train & launch a brand new “rapid-response” unit to bolster anti-poaching efforts in Sumatra
  • Extensively monitor tiger habitat on the India / Bhutan border to assess prey and tiger populations

Read more about our projects here.