Tigers in Khao Laem National Park © Freeland/DNP
Two recent stories in the press remind us that hope is always present in the fight for wild tiger survival. Both these stories came from Thailand, the last stronghold of the Indochinese tiger.
At the end of November, the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation (DNP) confiscated five tiger cubs from a private zoo in Mukdahan which was suspected to be supplying the illegal trade in tigers. According to the Thai press, the owner of the tiger park faces up to five years in prison if convicted of smuggling in wildlife species.
The cubs were taken from Mukda Suan Sua (Mukda Tiger Park & Farm) a reminder to everyone to avoid visiting zoos and animal facilities in Thailand.
Tiger cubs seized, park suspected of smuggling
The second report comes from Khao Laem, the National Park where Freeland is currently using a grant from WildCats Conservation Alliance to carry out tiger monitoring. According to the Bangkok Post, the DNP has filed charges on the owner of Phornphailin Riverside resort, beside Vajiralongkorn Dam, as the facility was found to be within the boundary of Khao Laem National Park. The owner has previously refused to demolish the buildings. A second resort in the area recently took down buildings that were shown to be within the park.
National park files charges against owner of illegal B40m resort
Thank you to the Department of National Park in Thailand for taking these situations seriously. Without governments taking positive actions, tigers will face an uncertain future.