Tiger team in Thailand

By 24th February 2021Blog, News

A short update from the tiger team in Thailand:

Freeland’s Tim Redford reports that 42 rangers have just safely returned to base after spending 10 days in the forest setting up their camera trap survey. The cameras will be recovered before the rains start in May. Whilst in the forest, the rangers confiscated what appear to be tiger snares, discovered a poachers camp and tackled a forest fire.   

Forest fires are a major problem in Thailand’s tiger habitat each spring. Last April we reported the major fire fighting taking place in Thailand whilst also combating the impacts of COVID-19. https://conservewildcats.org/2020/04/15/thailand-fire-fighting/

Thailand is thought to be the last stronghold for the Indochinese tiger as populations in Vietnam, Myanmar and Cambodia are poached to extinction.





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