The power of collective giving

By 15th January 2020News
Thank you for your donation to Amur cats

This time of year we take stock and one of the things that we celebrate are the amazing donations received by WildCats from the international zoo world.  Collective giving brings like-minded zoos together and WildCats can scale up the value of its conservation work and ensure that together, we are doing all we can to safeguard wild tigers and Amur leopards.

On average 75% of our annual income makes its way to us from the zoo community.  Some of these are major gifts, like this most recent donation, from Korkeasaari Zoo in Helsinki, Finland. (Visit our ‘Zoo Support‘ pages to see who our top ten zoo donors are!

WildCats also provides a valuable way for smaller and mid-sized zoos, with significantly lesser footfall to pool their resources to fund high quality, impactful conservation projects and when we all work together we can achieve so much more. 

 Eternal thanks to the following, in no particular order, for their valuable support in 2019:

A list of all our zoo donors since 1997 to WildCats Conservation Alliance (previously ALTA & 21st Century Tiger)
