Update on conflict tigress | PRNCO “Tiger Ambulance”

By 8th May 2018October 10th, 2018Blog, News, PRNCO

10th OCTOBER 2018 

Unfortunately, tigress Kazačka, rescued on 5th February, after predating on domestic dogs has been deemed by experts as unsafe to return to the wild.  After her time in the rehabilitation centre, she still shows little fear towards humans and a preference to hunting dogs.  As this would likely lead to further conflict situations, experts decided in this instance she should join the carefully managed captive breeding programme and is now awaiting a mate.   

Her cubs, both females, continue to thrive and are likely to return to the wild next spring.

MAY 2018

Back in February, we shared news of the PRNCO* Tiger Center’s “Tiger Ambulance’s” debut outing.   You may remember, that residents of a small village in Ussuri, has raised concerns about a tiger seen in close proximity to human settlements, and was thought to be responsible for predating on dogs.

Later, discovered to be a tigress in seemingly well health, experts were puzzled about what was causing her apparent lack of fear of humans and unusual hunting habits. 

We’ve learned that this tigress had killed in excess of 18 domestic dogs, so local experts decided to explore a different theory, and began scouring the local landscape for signs of tiger cubs.

On horseback, teams searched long and hard, and 40 days later, two young cubs were found, safely sedated and checked in the “Ambulance”, and returned to their mother at the PRNCO Tiger Centre.  Mother and cubs are now together in a carefully monitored enclosure, where they have no contact with humans.  Live prey has been introduced, and the family are hunting and eating together.  This is the first time the PRNCO team have had a family unit, so they will be very carefully monitored over the coming months before a plan can be made to reintroduce them to the wild safely.

Of course, we will update you with more on these tigers as we find it out, if you would like to contribute to work like this, please visit the ‘Get Involved‘ section of our website.

*The work on the resolution of conflict situations in the Primorsky Territory is carried out by the Department of Hunting Supervision. For these purposes, a specialized group was established to resolve conflicts between humans and large predators. Employees of the Trans-Regional Public Organization “Center for the Rehabilitation of Tigers and Other Rare Animals” (Center TSRHO “Tiger”) provide assistance in providing emergency veterinary care to affected animals withdrawn from the wild.