Primorskii Regional Non-commercial Organization «The Center for Rehabilitation and Reintroduction of Tigers and Other Rare Animals» (PRNCO)
Project Name: PRNCO – Mobile Veterinary Module Refurbishment
Location: Ussuriysk, Primorsky Krai, Russia
Goal: To rescue and treat injured/orphaned tigers to increase their chances of survival
Objective 1: To refit and refurbish a KAMAZ truck with suitable equipment which was obtained for these purposes.
Background: The Trans-Regional Non-Governmental Organization Center for Rehabilitation of Tigers and Other Rare Animals (TRNGO) is a facility built to rehabilitate and release wild Amur tigers. These animals sometimes orphaned, often injured and starving require rapid veterinary treatment. They are often discovered in remote regions in inclement weather where rescue teams find it difficult to work.
The vehicle, a huge Russian truck favoured by the military for its durability is being fitted out with living facilities for four people, a holding area for the animals and a fully equipped veterinary treatment centre to stabilise and perform surgery when necessary.