Abstract Protected and conserved areas (PCAs) throughout the world face huge challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. We give a global overview of impacts and responses. Protected area...
WCS in Russia (ANO WCS) want to secure the future for Amur leopards and tigers in Southwest Primorye and neighbouring lands of Jilin Province in China. One way that they...
Some great footage from Land of the Leopard National Park of an Amur leopard date earlier this month. These events usually occur when the female is in estrus, sprays her...
ZSL Nepal has been conserving wild tiger in Nepal for over 25 years and in the Parsa National Park (PNP) and its buffer zone since 2014. WildCats Conservation Alliance has...
This latest project report shows how Lingkar Institute has shown resilience and adaptability in protecting the Sumatran tiger in the face of the coronavirus pandemic in Indonesia. The project team...
Over the past 13 years (2008-2020), ZSL has worked with partners United Administrations of Lazovsky Zapovednik and Zov Tigra National Park (UALZZT) using camera traps and conducting snow track surveys...
It's the second annual virtual Amur Leopard Conservation Run April 15-30th! Organised by a wonderful team at the American Association of Zoo Keepers Memphis chapter, anyone can take place in...
Abstract Aichi Target 12 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) contains the aim to ‘prevent extinctions of known threatened species’. To measure the degree to which this was achieved,...
The latest report from FFI shows clearly the impact felt by the Kerinci TPCU Rangers from COVID-19 during 2020. This long-running conservation project aims to bring about a natural increase...
On 3rd March 1973, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) was signed and in 2013 the United Nations declared that this day...
Two years ago a group of girls in Poolesville, Maryland USA decided that they wanted to start raising money to help save endangered species. They did research on which animals...
Huge thanks go out around the world to our supporters. The latest shout outs go to Wellington Zoo Trust (New Zealand), Sedgwick Country Zoo (United States of America) Zoo de...
A short update from the tiger team in Thailand: Freeland's Tim Redford reports that 42 rangers have just safely returned to base after spending 10 days in the forest setting...
The recent report from Phoenix Fund in Vladivostok highlights some of the problems but also some of the opportunities caused by a year of suffering under the COVID-19 pandemic. This...
Abstract Costs of large predator conservation may not be equitably distributed among stakeholders; these include farming communities, tourism business owners and visitors. Financial redistribution mechanisms based on accrued benefits and...
The Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review published last week is an essential read, though at 600 pages long and containing detailed economic equations and theories, it is hard going...
Tigers and other wildlife constantly transverse Thailand's border with Myanmar and the recent news of political unrest in Myanmar reminds us of the fragility of the tiger population in Thailand's...
The 1st February is the start of the WildCats projects year, and this year is no exception. Today, eight projects funded by WildCats Conservation Alliance begin the activities and objectives...
Welcome Zoo de la Barben in France as WildCats newest supporter zoo! The zoo's conservation charity Ecofaune, has donated €1.500 to our fund for Amur tigers and leopards. Zoo de...
A recent article in the online environmental news site Mongabay, has highlighted that illegal agricultural encroachment in Kerinci Seblat National Park in Sumatra increased during 2020. According to the article...
A long-running PHS TPCU investigation into a tiger poaching syndicate operating in two national parks in Sumatra has resulted in the arrest of three men – one, the syndicate kingpin...
Top supporter Wilhelma Zoo in Stuttgart Germany, came to the rescue in early January with a donation of €16,500 to help conserve wild Sumatran tigers in Kerinci Seblat National Park. ...
Despite the closure of many of our supporter zoos over the busy Christmas season and the difficulties that some have found themselves in, we have seen that even some of...
Fota Wildlife Park in the Republic of Ireland recently donated €7,500 to Sumatran tiger conservation taking its contribution to WildCats Conservation Alliance to over €50,000. Money Fota donates is used...