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WCS China | interim report 2019 China | interim report 2019 planning towards doubling wild tiger Panthera tigris numbers: Detailing 18 recovery sites from across the range
With less than 3200 wild tigers in 2010, the heads of 13 tiger-range countries committed to
doubling the global population of wild tigers by 2022. This goal represents the highest level
of ambition and commitment required to turn the tide for tigers in the wild. Yet, ensuring efficient
and targeted implementation of conservation actions alongside systematic monitoring
of progress towards this goal requires that we set site-specific recovery targets and timelines
that are ecologically realistic. In this study, we assess the recovery potential of 18 sites
identified under WWF’s Tigers Alive Initiative. are extended.

Illegal wildlife trade is a key component in serious organised crime and impacts on wildlife, peoples lives, economies, governance and the rule of law. The London Conference on the Illegal Wildlife Trade in...
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Lingkar interim 2018
WildCats office blog - we are blessed to be based in an institution where visiting academics, scientists and conservationists are invited to talk about their work. Radio collared tiger in...
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Many people ask how we select projects to support, and as we are starting the process for selecting next year’s proposals, Crissie suggested this might be the topic of our...
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A report just published by the IUCN warns "Banning palm oil would most likely increase the production of other oil crops to meet demand for oil, displacing rather than halting...
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